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Community Engagement

As we move through the process of assessing the building needs of the Bristol Warren Regional School District, it is important that the members of our community be as engaged as possible.

To that end, we are attending as many community events as possible, and will be hosting various opportunities for folks to get involved.

In May and June of this year, the project team led three Visioning Sessions, one at each level of our schools. The Educational Visioning process brings stakeholders - including administrators, teachers, parents, and community members to build consensus around project goals and spatial strategies.

Our team will be attending various events around the towns of Bristol and Warren this summer. Please stop by and chat!

Warren Summer Concert Series
Hope & Main Schoolyard Markets
The Warren Walkabouts
Quahog Festival

And remember, the School Building Committee meetings are all open to the public and are the best way to stay up-to-date with project decisions as they are made.

Superintendent Ana C. Riley and the Bristol Warren Regional School District have hosted two community meetings in October and have one upcoming on November 1 at which community members were/are invited to learn more about the District's Capital Projects Plan, followed by a Q&A session, and a tour of the Mt. Hope High School facility.

Members of the school community are strongly encouraged to attend the community forum to engage in the process and learn more about the goals and priorities of the district's capital improvement plan and share their opinion. The discussion will be led by District Administrators, members of the district's OPM, PMA Consultants, and the district's design partner, Perkins Eastman.

Community Forum: Capital Projects Presentation, Q&A Session, and Tour of MHHS Facility

Monday, October 2, 2023 ⋅ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Neighborhood/Abutters Meeting: Capital Projects Presentation, Q&A Session, and Tour of MHHS Facility

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 ⋅ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Community Forum: Capital Projects Presentation, Q&A Session, and Tour of MHHS Facility

Wednesday, November 1, 2023 ⋅ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Please contact us if you are hosting an event and would like to invite our project management team to address your guests.