Capital Projects
In November 2018, Rhode Island voters approved the Statewide School Construction Bond, which allowed RIDE to incentivize districts with additional reimbursement bonuses of up to 20%, upfront funding to reduce the district’s total bond amount and reimburse interest on district construction bonds.
The state of Rhode Island is committed to this once in a generation initiative to create 21st century learning environments across the state.
In order to meet the requirements for state reimbursement, the BWRSD will submit our plan on Sept. 15. We will need bond approval during the upcoming election in November and we must complete all of our projects within 5 years from approval. This state initiative gives the BWRSD the opportunity to fund a large capital project plan with a guaranteed 63%, but potential for a remarkable 83%, reimbursement from the state of Rhode Island.
Please explore this area of the Website, to learn more about the process for School Construction, our School Building Committee meetings and materials, and the developing plans for improvement of all of the BWRSD facilities.
Bristol Warren Regional School District RIDE Necessity of School Construction - Stage III [July 2024 Update] Projected Tax Impact Calculator
Click the image below to download the Updated [July 2024] Projected Tax Impact Calculator and follow the directions.
DISCLAIMER: Projected Tax Impact based upon cashflow projection provided by PMA Consultants and bonding scenarios provided by PFM Financial Advisors. Calculator is best suited for desktop Windows/IOS use.
INSTRUCTIONS: Edit (2) yellow highlighted cells to calculate property specific tax impact projection:
Step 1: Select District.
Step 2: Enter Assessed Value.
Assessed values may be confirmed using the links to the Bristol and Warren assessor databases located at the bottom of the calculator.