Stage I: Identify Need
Stage I: Identification of Need began with the BWRSD submitting a Letter of Intent, as well as a commitment to follow the School Construction Regulations and all applicable statutes and regulations.
During Stage I, the BWRSD hired Colliers Project Leaders to conduct facility conditions assessments, prepare demographic projections, and provide educational programs for each school facility. Through the careful study of these factors the district attained a comprehensive understanding of districtwide capacity, enrollment trends, and the alignment of existing facilities to the educational program being offered in each school.
The Colliers inspections teams identified almost 134 individual projects related to maintenance repair and regulatory issues across all six school facilities. Each project was assigned a priority based upon its relative urgency of need.
Of these, over 67% of the projects were identified as High Priority, needing to be addressed in the next year or two.
You can see the full Stage I application that was submitted in February 2023 here.