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SEAC Bylaws



ARTICLE I: Name of Committee    

The name of this Committee shall be Bristol Warren Regional School District Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC).

ARTICLE II: Functions and Responsibilities of the SEAC    

  • The committee shall advise the school district or regional program on matters concerning    The unmet needs of students with disabilities;    
  • Comment on improvement plans including school support plans resulting from Part B compliance reports;    
  • Local compliance with state and federal laws pertaining to the education of students with disabilities,  
  • Comment on applications for federal and state funds,  
  • Serve as advocates in partnership with parents for students with disabilities to ensure that they receive the entitlements provided to them under state and federal laws.    

A School Committee possesses certain legal powers and prerogatives that cannot be delegated or surrendered to others. Therefore, all recommendations of the advisory committee must be submitted to the School Committee for action. Recommendations of committees will be based on research and fact.

ARTICLE III: Membership

Section 1. Composition of Advisory Committee   

a. Membership: Each local or regional committee shall be composed of persons involved in or concerned with the education of students with disabilities. Parents of students with disabilities shall compose a majority of the committee membership, and at least fifty percent (50%) of this majority shall be selected by the parents of students with disabilities. Membership shall include an individual with a disability, a public school administrator, a special education teacher, a general education teacher and other members of the community at the discretion of the committee and school board. 

b. The School Committee chairperson under membership will serve as an ex-officio member of the SEAC; Other school Committee members may be appointed to the advisory committee or may be asked to serve ex-officio.    

c. The Director of Special Education shall act as a non-voting member retaining the right to participate in the discussion and actions at public sessions    

d. The School Committee shall appoint an Advisory Committee on Special Education The School Committee shall approve the By-Laws of the advisory committee.    

eThe Bristol Warren Regional School District School Committee shall appoint all members of the SEAC upon recommendation of the Superintendent.    

Section 2. Term of Office    

General members shall serve a 3-year term from the date of appointment. Members may be reappointed by a vote of the membership and approval by the School Committee.    

Section 3. Voting Rights

Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the Advisory Committee.

Voting would be by hand count or secret ballot upon request.

Only those present shall vote.

Section 4. Termination of Membership

Three consecutive unexcused absences xviii result in automatic termination of membership. A total of five absences in a year will result in termination. After the fourth absence, the member will be notified in writing regarding forfeit of membership.   

Section 5. Resignation   

Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the chairperson who will then forward it to the LEA.   

Section 6. Vacancy

Vacancies due to termination or resignation shall be filled by the School Committee upon nomination by the membership committee of the SEAC. The SEAC shall offer nominations to the Superintendent for the filling of such vacancies.


Section 1.  Officers

The officers of the Advisory Committee shall be a Chairperson, Co-Chair, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers, as the Committee may deem desirable.

Section 2.  Election and terms of Office

a. The officers of the Advisory Committee shall be elected in May of each year as follows:

Chairperson will have a term of 2 years. Co-Chair, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer shall serve for l year term.

b. Election shall be decided by majority vote of the committee membership present and voting, by secret ballot, providing that a quorum is present.

Section 3.  Removal of Officers    

Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of all members serving on the Local Advisory Committee whenever in the judgment of the SEAC, the best interests of the committee would be served. Appropriate notification in writing shall be made regarding reasons for removal. Any officer aggrieved by the vote has the right of appeal to the school committee.

Section 4.  Vacancy

A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise may be filled by a two-thirds vote of all of the members of the Committee for the unexpired portion of the term.

Section 5.  Chairperson

The Chair shall preside at all advisory meetings, may sign all letters, reports, other communications of the committee and is generally responsible for directing and coordinating the affairs of the committee. The Chair shall also organize all meetings and prepare the agenda, and establish all sub committees that the committee feels is necessary. It is preferred that the Chairperson be a parent representative, and under no conditions should the Chairperson be a school district employee.

Section 6.  Co-Chair    

The duties of the Co-Chair shall be to substitute for the Chairperson during his/her absence; and the Co-Chair shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Chairperson or by the Advisory Committee.   

Section 7. Recording Secretary    

The recording secretary shall prepare minutes of each meeting, reduce them to writing and make them available to all members of the Advisory Committee at least two weeks prior to the next regular meeting of the Committee. Minutes must contain members present, members excused, and members absent and also all motions acted upon.

Section 8. Corresponding Secretary   

The corresponding secretary shall be responsible for all necessary correspondence including:  the public notice of the agenda to which the public is invited.   

Section 9. Quorum

A quorum shall consist of 40 % of the voting members with the majority consisting of parent and non-school personnel. A quorum shall be required in order to constitute the transaction of business by the Advisory Committee,

ARTICLE V. Committees   

Section 1. Membership

Membership Committee - The Membership Committee shall be composed of three members; two of which shall be parents. It shall serve the dual function of presenting nominations for the election of officers for the coming term and actively soliciting new members to maintain a proper representation from each community. Recommendations for new member will be brought forward to the full SEAC membership for a vote.

Section 2. Public Awareness

The Public Awareness Committee shall disseminate information regarding special education and the advisory committee's activities to the general public, agencies and parent groups. It shall support activities that enhance communication among parents and professionals such as conferences, manuals, and brochures.

The Chair may establish other sub committees as deemed necessary or desirable to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the advisory committee. Each sub committee shall provide a report at each regular scheduled meeting.

Any recommendations of a standing sub committee must be approved by a vote of the full committee for subsequent action.


Section 1. Meetings of Advisory Committee

Regular Meetings

The advisory committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct its business but no less than four (4) times annually.

Section 2. Special Meetings

Special Meetings may be called by the chairperson or by majority vote of the advisory committee.

Section 3. Place of Meetings

The advisory committee shall hold its regular meetings and its special meetings in a facility provided by the LEA.

Section 4. Notice of Meetings    

All meetings shall be announced as open and public in writing to the membership at least seven (7) days before the date of such meeting.

Section 5. Decisions of Advisory Committee

All decisions and public communications of the advisory committee shall be made only after an affirmative vote of a majority of its members in attendance, provided a quorum is present.

Section 6. Conduct of Meetings

All regular and special meetings of the advisory committee shall be conducted in accordance with SEAC ground rules and Robert's Rules of order if necessary.


Section 1. Amendments to By-Laws

Proposed amendment

A copy of any proposed amendment to the by-laws must be sent or given to the membership at least thirty days (30) prior to its consideration.

Section 2. Approval of amendment

These by-laws shall be amended only after an affirmative two-thirds vote of its members in attendance provided a quorum is met.

The School Committee shall approve any and all amendments to the SEAC by-laws.