Child Outreach Screening
Child Outreach is a free program offered by the Bristol Warren Regional School District in partnership with the RI Department of Education. Child Outreach screenings are for children who live in Bristol and Warren or attend early learning centers in Bristol and Warren. Screenings take place at community preschools, daycare, Head Start, and in our Early Childhood office at Hugh Cole Elementary School in Warren. A screening typically takes less than 45 minutes. Our goal is for every child aged three, four and five to participate in this program once every year prior to entering kindergarten.
Children work individually with one of our screeners to complete game-like activities that will provide parents with information about the child's development in the following areas:
General Development
Speech-Language Development
Social-Emotional Development
The results of the screening are shared with parents, but kept confidential and shared with others only at the request of families.
To schedule a screening, please fill out this brief request form and our office will contact you: Child Outreach Screening Form Request
Questions about screenings or to schedule over the phone, call Lauren Sutton at 401-253-4000 ext. 8078 or email
For More Information about RI Child Outreach, click here.