Home Schooling
Home Instruction Policy and Information
Parents/Guardians choosing to educate their children at home must request approval from the School Committee each year. Follow these steps to submit your request:
- Prior to the beginning of each school year, a letter of intent, curriculum proposal and homeschool agreement must be sent to the Assistant Superintendent's office.
- These documents will be reviewed and the request will be submitted to the School Committee for approval. Please be aware that we must have all 3 documents before the request is presented to the school committee. Following their decision, a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian who submitted the request.
- Upon completion of the school year, parents/guardians are required to submit an attendance register and assessment results (narrative, report card, etc.)
If you are a new family to the district, please provide a copy of your child's birth certificate, two proof of residency documents and a copy of your ID. These forms can be included with your letter of intent, curriculum proposal and homeschool agreement.
A student who completes an approved program of homeschooling is not eligible to receive a Mt. Hope High School diploma.
Forms can be submitted by email to julie.fezettebaker@bwrsd.org or mailed to the Office of the Assistant Superintendent, 235 High St., Bristol RI 02809.