Online Registration
Welcome to the Bristol Warren Regional School District!
New student registrations for all grades are completed through the Aspen Online Parent Portal.
If you have an existing account, that login can be used to register additional students.
Create an ASPEN account (or log-in to an existing account)
Click here for registration instructions in Portuguese.
Click here for registration instructions in Spanish.
If you have an existing Aspen Portal account, you can conveniently access the Online Registration Portal by logging in to your account. If you need help with your current Aspen account, please email Once logged in, simply navigate to "Start a New Student Registration" and click on the "+ Initiate" button.
If you are new to the District, you will need to create a NEW Aspen account: To obtain a new account and begin the registration process, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Access the Aspen Online Registration Portal and select "Request an Account" to create your Aspen account.
Step 2: If you are new to the district and don't have another child enrolled in Bristol Warren Schools, choose the option "I am a parent/guardian registering my child online."
Step 3: Fill out the online form with the required basic information to create your account. Once completed, click on "Create My Account" at the bottom of the form. An email confirming your account creation will be emailed to the email address you provided. The verification email message is from :
Step 4: Sign in to Aspen using the account credentials you just created. Your account name will be the email address associated with your account.
Step 5: From the Aspen homepage, click on "Start a New Student Registration" and select "+ Initiate". Follow the instructions and navigate through the tabs to create a new registration.
If you need help to create an Aspen account, please email
Helpful Tips
Please note that as you progress throughout the registration process you have the option to save and resume at a later time by logging back into Aspen.
You may scan or take a photograph using your mobile device of all required documents directly into Aspen.
Please ensure that you rename each document (listed below) appropriately as follows: LastName-FirstInitial-NameOfForm: for example, a birth certificate for student Jane Smith needs to be named Smith-J-birthcertificate.
Upon successful completion, you will receive a confirmation email message. A second email will be sent once our Registrar has verified the information.
We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to assisting you with a smooth and efficient registration process. Should you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Registrar:
Necessary Documents
- Student Birth Certificate-Official State Long Version, Not State ID Card
- Student Health Record with up-to-date immunizations
- Student Transcript and most recent report card
- Proof of guardianship (if applicable), including educational decision-making rights
- Proof of residency-see below policy requirements
- Parent/Legal Guardian must submit a photo ID (driver's license or passport) to complete the registration
Proof of Residency (Two proofs of residency are required and must be current within the past 90 days)
- Parents/guardians who are homeowners must provide 1 of the following: Mortgage statement, property tax bill, or government housing letter
- Parents/guardians who are renting must provide 1 of the following: Complete, signed active lease agreement or rent receipt with your name, address and property owner's name and phone number
- Parents/guardians who are not the primary homeowner or renter must have the person they are living with or renting from complete the Verification of Residency Affidavit (linked below) and have it notarized
- All parents/guardians must provide 1 of the following: Current (within 90 days) utility bill - gas, electric, cable/internet, oil, water (cell phone bill is not acceptable)
Verification of Residency Affidavit
Click here to access the login page from a DESKTOP or LAPTOP
If you need to request an account from your MOBILE DEVICE, please use this link
Need help? Click here to access interactive directions: Click on the prompts as you move through the tutorial.
Or click here to access the written directions (PDF document).
If you need help with your current Aspen account, please email