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Registration Requirements

BWRSD Student Registration Requirements

Necessary Documents

  • Student Birth Certificate-Official State Long Version, Not State ID Card
  • Student Health Record with up-to-date immunizations
  • Student Transcript and most recent report card
  • Proof of guardianship (if applicable), including educational decision-making rights
  • Proof of residency-see below policy requirements
  • Parent/Legal Guardian must submit a photo ID (driver's license or passport) to complete the registration

Proof of Residency (Two proofs of residency are required and must be current within the past 90 days)

  • Parents/guardians who are homeowners must provide 1 of the following: Mortgage statement, property tax bill, or government housing letter
  • Parents/guardians who are renting must provide 1 of the following: Complete, signed active lease agreement or rent receipt with your name, address and property owner's name and phone number
  • Parents/guardians who are not the primary homeowner or renter must have the person they are living with or renting from complete the Verification of Residency Affidavit and have it notarized
  • All parents/guardians must provide 1 of the following: Current (within 90 days) utility bill - gas, electric, cable/internet, oil, water (cell phone bill is not acceptable)

Students registering for kindergarten must be 5 years of age on or before September 1 of the year they are registering.