Bristol Warren teachers use a variety of assessment practices and data to support and monitor student learning. This includes informal daily check-ins on understanding, classroom assignments, unit projects and tests, as well as district benchmark assessments such as the iReady assessment used for K-8 mathematics and ELA. More formal measures of assessments come through the Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System that students participate in annually. Information is provided below.
Click here for the current year assessment calendar.
About State Assessments:
About RICAS - Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS) is a high-quality assessment of English Language Arts and Mathematics given to Rhode Island students in grades 3-8. The RICAS assessment gives teachers, students, and families information about student progress, school performance, and how to improve teaching and learning. Sessions take place annually in the spring, with 2 ELA sessions lasting 120-150 minutes each and 2 Math sessions lasting approximately 90 minutes each. Each student who takes the RICAS assessment will have a Student Score Report sent to their school to be shared with families.
About NGSA - Next Generation Science Assessments are given to students in grades 5, 8, & 11 and are based on Next Generation Science Standards.
About PSAT 10 and SAT School Day - Starting in the 2017-2018 school year, the PSAT 10 and the SAT became the assessments administered to all 10th and 11th grade high school students in Rhode Island. Increased participation in the PSAT 10 and the SAT was the first step toward ensuring more students are college and career ready. These assessments maintain an appropriately high standard for Rhode Island students and are good tools to help close the gap between expected future job requirements for post-secondary education and current college enrollment and completion.
About ACCESS for ELLs - Rhode Island requires that the English language proficiency of all English language learners be measured annually with the ACCESS for ELLs. Rhode Island is a member of the World Class Instructional Design and Assessment Consortium (WIDA) which is dedicated to the research, design, and implementation of a high-quality, standards-based system for K-12 English language learners.
About Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) - The alternate assessments are designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities, who make up approximately 1% of the student population,. The structure of alternate assessments are designed around the students' physical and cognitive disabilities in a way that allows them to answer questions and participate in the test as independently as possible.
Bristol Warren Regional School District Policy on Comprehensive Assessment Systems