Find links below for information on ELA, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies curriculum, as well as the Arts, Health/Physical Education, Library Media, STEM and Career and Technical Education.
Click on the subject area below to explore grade level curriculum documents. Please note that our curriculum is updated often as standards and programs change. Contact your child's teacher, principal, or the Assistant Superintendent's office if you would like more information about learning in your child's classroom.
Our K-12 Science Curriculum is based on The Next Generation Science Standards for K-12 and we are in the process of piloting newly released curriculum that has been vetted by Ed Reports, a national organization that evaluates school curriculum and identifies high quality instructional materials considered by states like Rhode Island for adoption.
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are a set of K-12 science standards that were developed by states, for states. The NGSS identify scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas in science that all K-12 students should master in order to prepare for success in college and 21st century careers. Read more about NGSS at this link to the Next Generation Science Standards Fact Sheet.
Bristol Warren Schools are fortunate to partner with Roger Williams University on initiatives such as the grade 4 KidWind project to promote understanding of the engineering design process and sustainable energy sources.
STEM and Career and Technical Education
STEM education integrates knowledge and Skills from Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to engage students in collaborative, problem-based learning experiences that are relevant to their lives.
Social Studies education helps students understand the world in which they live and prepares them with the knowledge and skills to become informed, thoughtful, and active citizens in a culturally diverse democratic society and complex world.
Social Studies draws upon anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences (adapted from the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) definition of Social Studies - RIDE)
We are in the process of reviewing the newly released Rhode Island Social Studies standards and curriculum framework to update our curriculum. The curriculum will be based on the following grade level units. We anticipate full adoption of new social studies curriculum and instruction materials by the 2025-2026 school year.
Our K-12 Health and Physical Education Curriculum is under review and revision for alignment to the new Rhode Island Health Framework. Recent updates to the curriculum include substance abuse awareness and prevention, Signs of Suicide awareness and prevention program, and expanding opportunities for student choice in physical education activities to encourage life long, healthy habits.
Bristol Warren Schools are fortunate to have outstanding community partners and to collaborate with the Bristol Substance Abuse Task Force, Warren Substance Abuse Task Force, the Health Equity Zones, and Thrive Outside.
Social Emotional Learning is designed to support students in developing skills like self-control, perseverance, mindfulness and self-motivation. Practices such as welcoming and inclusion activities, engagement, optimistic messages and end-of-learning closures help create a safe, equity-centered and productive learning environment for all students.
Our Arts Standards are based on the The National Core Art Standards which provide a unified quality arts education for students in grades K-12. The philosophical foundations and lifelong goals establish the basis for the new standards and illuminate artistic literacy by expressing the overarching common values and expectations for learning in arts education across these five disciplines:
- The Arts as Communication
- The Arts as Creative Personal Realization
- The Arts as culture, History, and Connectors
- The Arts as Means to Wellbeing
- The Arts as Community Engagement
Library Media curriculum is based on the American Association of School Librarians Standards Framework for Learners and is comprised of the following 6 domains and competencies:
- Inquire
- Include
- Collaborate
- Curate
- Explore
- Engage
Pre-K Curriculum
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features inquiry, exploration, and discovery as the foundation of all learning. It empowers children to be confident , creative, and caring learners through play-based, hands-on investigations--a research-based approach that incorporates language, literacy, and mathematics throughout the day.